Thursday, August 27, 2009

Most importantly...

This Associated Press story tells about a frightening event in which a man jumped into a stopped school bus, overpowered the driver, took control of the bus and jumped out of the driver's seat as the bus rolled down a steep hill ... injuring two students and the driver.

But, wait, I omitted the key second word of the story -- the man was "shirtless" -- and the entire second paragraph -- he was "naked" by the time he was arrested.

I can tell you from years of experience that mundane or close-to-average stories are more interesting and more deserving of a reporter's time if there is an unusual angle. However, this is nothing like a mundane story. Drop the "reality TV" line of thinking and concentrate on what readers need to know.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Change or no change

Solomon Jackson Jr. says winning a $260 million Powerball jackpot will not change him.

Just for the record, should I cash a lottery ticket with a nine-digit jackpot, it will change me ... but only in a good way.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's a zoo in there

Reuters brings to us the latest entry in the Quit Wasting the Court's Valuable Time category.

A woman is suing a zoo because she fell after a dolphin show left water on the floor; she slipped, fell and suffered what she claimed was $50,000 damages in lost wages, medical expenses and emotional trauma.

Hey! You're at a zoo. Take a little responsibility and provide some evidence you're representing the higher life form in the facility.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Go figure

This USA Today article reveals a stunning discovery. It explains states are closing prisons because of budget shortfalls and ... lo and behold ... it puts people out of work.

That's the problem with governments -- federal, state, county, city, school, drainage district, whatever -- adding services and hiring people. It all takes money. As more and more people work for the government, fewer people have real jobs with which to pay them.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clinton and the mayor

Following are links to articles mentioned in this week's A Texas Voice column, printed between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, depending on your publication:

City worker suspended for failing to greet mayor

Memo from city official

Second thoughts by city officials

Hillary: I'm the secretary of state; I am, I am, I am

Health care is no free lunch

ABC says Americans are becoming concerned over how much the president's proposed health care plan will cost, especially with a rapidly growing deficit.

Really? As opponents previously raged about that very thing, it was lost amid promises of hope and change.

I don't care who's in the White House and I care less about what Congress pledges ... there's still no such thing as a free lunch.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Maybe beer bottle suicide

Authorities say this fire was started by a flaming beer bottle propelled through a glass door.

They say "arson could be to blame."

Could be, or maybe the bottle filled itself with gasoline, struck a match and jumped through the door.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Soccer, on the rocks

Though it's not been making headlines recently, the H1N1 (swine flu) virus is still on a rampage in parts of the world, including Great Britain.

Not to worry, Russia's soccer fans have been told to drink whisky when they visit Wales next month for the World Cup qualifier match. Supposedly, it will act as a disinfectant of sorts.

What could go wrong with a bunch of soccer fans drinking not only enough to help cheer on their team but also enough to combat a pandemic?

Maybe I'm overreacting ... it's not like soccer fans are prone to violence.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What? Raise taxes?

"Obama officials: Taxes may rise to pay health care" -- What? You can't give us thousands of dollars for buying a car, pay for health care and fulfill all (OK, some) of the campaign promises without getting the money back through taxes? Who woulda thunk it?