Friday, September 18, 2009

Mahmoud who?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday called the Holocaust a myth.

It would be interesting to revisit this in 50, perhaps even 20, years and see if anyone remembers who Ahmadinejad was.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A genuine hero

We lost a great person Saturday. Great? you ask. Norman Borlaug's efforts in improving crop yield around the world is credited with saving perhaps a billion lives. Hundreds of millions of lives! I know he was still teaching at Texas A&M when he was 90, perhaps still was. RIP.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ever little thing

So, storage makes everything good ... except spelling.

The real condemnation is I saw this sign several weeks ago, but they changed it before I could get a photo. Then, it came back ... misspelled again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The real crybaby is ...

Without really thinking, we've all said and done things we soon regretted, but few, I hope, have acted as rashly as Roger Stephens of Stone Mountain, Ga.

Police say the 61-year-old man became annoyed with a crying 2-year-old girl in a store. After reportedly warning the mother, "If you don't shut that baby up, I will shut her up for you," he fulfilled his promise by slapping the girl at least four times.

The girl was apparently not injured, though the mother was upset. Stephens was arrested and is charged with felony cruelty to children. (Take a look at his mug shot; he looks like he's about to slap the officer taking his photo.)

There is no defense for what Stephens did. An adult must understand that a toddler will cry in a store, that the mother cannot always stop and take the child outside, that it is just one of life's little inconveniences. It's not like a child crying in a movie theater, for goodness sakes.

At the very least, you ignore it. Preferably, you give the mother a knowing smile, assuring her that you empathize and giving her the encouragement she may need to deal with the situation. After all, you can move to another aisle away from the baby; she cannot.