Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Live in your new car!

GMAC Financial Services says on its Web site that it is making financing of automobiles available to more people. It had been requiring a minimum credit bureau score of 700 but will now demand only 621 or better.

Wait. Haven’t we heard before about making loans easier for people to get? Seems like that’s what led to the housing mortgage crisis, where banks put people into houses they could not afford.

Does this mean people who lose their houses may buy new cars to live in?

... Until the cars are repossessed?

Oh, yes, one other thing ... Part of what is making this possible is an “investment” made by the U.S. Treasury.

Are we really supposed to take this as good news?

Welcome to Main Street

Welcome to Main Street, my Main Street.

After spending many years in the community newspaper business and then leaving before going crazy, I still needed an outlet for pertinent (and not-so-pertinent) comments relevant to what is going on around the world and around my world.

My intention is to offer up personal observations on this site and give you a chance to add your two cents. I may comment on politics, global events, sports, entertainment, society, relationships ... whatever tickles my thought process that day. The comments will range from deep-seated believes to idle thoughts that may serve to open dialogue.

While I desire and encourage your comments, please understand that, at this point anyway, I will approve them before they are posted, so do not expect them to pop up right away. I will be quite liberal in what I allow, as long as the comments are germane to the topic and are not hateful or vulgar.