Thursday, May 28, 2009

Secret accountability

This is hilarious ... the American Football Coaches Association says it will begin in 2010 making the coaches' poll of top football teams a secret ballot. The funny part is they say it will make them more accountable.

This isn't just a glamour poll. It has a function in determining which teams qualify for Bowl Championship Series (BCS) games, including the national championship. Remember the animosity in past years over the teams selected? With this move, coaches with a vote (about half of them) or the ear of a coach with a vote may have some undue influence on the outcome and not have to answer for it.

I hope the BCS (which I don't like anyway; I'd prefer a playoff) will stand up to the coaches and remove their poll from the mix.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Of lesser evils

As much as I dislike the concept of U.S. taxpayers owning General Motors, it seems more appealing than another major corporation (Chrysler) being sold to an overseas investor (Italy's Fiat).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Watch for the green

OK, it’s time to climb back into the saddle and catch up with a few postings.

Hey! If you’re driving and are stopped at a signal light and you’re the first in line ... PAY ATTENTION.

Even in the smallest town, there is likely traffic lined up behind you. Some of those drivers are in a hurry. When the light goes green, it often does so for a short time – maybe not enough for everyone to get through – so if you’re not paying attention and fail to go with the green, there are people who get to stay in line for yet another cycle.

So, pay attention and I’ll get off your back.

Burris burrowing deeper

In case you've not checked lately, U.S. Sen. Roland W. Burris, who ascended to Barack Obama's Senate seat under a cloud of suspicion, is still holding down the seat.

Now, a tape of him offering a monetary bribe for the seat is headed to the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee.

We can hope he won't represent Illinois much longer, but it's already gone on way too long.

A prayer for Mike Tyson

I have never had any respect for Mike Tyson. Other athletes with certain character flaws I can respect at least for their on-the-field accomplishments, but Iron Mike's transgressions exceeded my graciousness. Plus, to be candid, I have trouble considering boxing a sport -- a whole 'nother argument not to be fought here.

However, I cannot help but feel for Tyson and his family with the loss of his 4-year-old daughter in a tragic home accident. Tyson's problems over the years slid to the background when he suddenly became a father facing that most undesirable task of burying his child.

Nobody deserves that.

Hurricane Warning

Here's your first alert: You're about to be inundated with news stories and public service messages concerning the June 1 official opening of the Atlantic hurricane season.

It's been a staple for decades along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts but has grown incredibly since Katrina and will be further amplified by Ike. With all of the 24-hour news generators needing sexy stories, they will crank up the volume about hurricane preparedness.

If you live in an area of concern, you probably know what to do. If not, consult with locals or check with local news stories. The rest of us could do without all of the blowhards.

(As a former resident of a coastal barrier island, I am a dedicated watcher of tropical storms. If you don't have your favorite monitoring site, may I suggest Weather Underground?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Maybe it means...

Saw a couple of bumper stickers on a car. One was the popular "Obama '08" campaign sticker.

The other had a drawing I did not identify and the words "Pawn Power."

Fill in your own punch line.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good to hear

Want more good news? Here's a great story. A 3-year-old boy wandered from home in the rugged hills of southeastern Missouri.

After more than two days ... well, just read the story.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Origin of swine flu found

Researchers have tracked down the origin of the latest swine flu strain, according to information I've received via e-mail: