Quick commentaries on items in the news or whatever crosses the writer's mind. Comments encouraged, as long as they are thoughtful and not hateful or vulgar.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Origin of swine flu found
Researchers have tracked down the origin of the latest swine flu strain, according to information I've received via e-mail:
I'm back. After a hiatus of several months, allegedly to work on other projects, attention is returning to my Main Street.
After spending many years in the community newspaper business and then leaving before going crazy, I still needed an outlet for pertinent (and not-so-pertinent) comments relevant to what is going on around the world and around my world. My intention is to offer up personal observations on this site and give you a chance to add your two cents.
I may comment on politics, global events, sports, entertainment, society, relationships ... whatever tickles my thought process that day. The comments will range from deep-seated believes to idle thoughts that may serve to open dialogue. I desire and encourage your comments as long as they are germane to the topic and are not hateful or vulgar.
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