Monday, June 1, 2009

Drop the cheap shots

So the president and his wife went on a date ... something of a cute story. They flew to New York City for dinner and a show.

On cue, the Republican National Committee issued a news release criticizing President Obama for the trip. (The White House did not say how much the trip cost, but the article did say they flew in "the smaller jet," whatever that means.)

The RNC indicated that since the country is experiencing economic difficulty, the first couple should not take such a trip.

Come on, RNC, didn't we get enough cheap shots during the George W. Bush administration? Instead of returning fire, why don't you take the high road and keep your comments on real issues?


  1. But while we're in the mud, let's not forget the looooong vacations our friend Bushie took to Crawford.

  2. Thanks to Peter for validating my observation about the attacks on President Bush and correcting my putting it in past tense.
