Monday, April 6, 2009

Let's drive a little further

It is law in Texas that parts of the highway system -- including streets and bridges -- be named only after a person if that person is deceased and was significant in the state ’s history or in the lives of the people of this state.

However, a bill filed in the current legislative session seeks a slight amendment to name a section of Interstate 20 as "President Barack Obama Freeway."


President Obama proved inspirational in his history-making run to the White House, but that's not enough to justify abandoning a prudent hesitation.

Think back, if you will, some seven and a half years to October 2001. Then, just weeks after the terrorist attacks on our country, President George W. Bush's inspired leadership had the nation lining up behind him. Like Obama now.

No, take your time and let history play out a bit. After all, the man hasn't been in office 11 weeks yet.

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